macOS pasteboard fix for Vim on tmux
tmux and Vim make a great development platform with a little help and fine-tuning, e.g. for copying out of Vim.
macOS Sierra release messed up the usual copy sequence from Vim (running inside tmux) by which you’d create Visual selection and go :w !pbcopy
to write that selection to OS pasteboard.
To fix, there’s some great work put into tmux-pasteboard that solves the problem in 2 simple steps:
with$ port install tmux-pasteboard
on MacPorts or
$ brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
on HomeBrew.
Configure tmux to work with it on your preferred shell (in this case bash) by adding this line to
:set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l bash"
Enjoy the pasteboard!