CSS3 transforms in WebKit
As of now you can scale, rotate, skew and translate the DOM elements in the latest nightly of WebKit. -
Estonia and Lithuania report high broadband sales for TeliaSonera
TeliaSonera's Q3 net stales increase by 7,1%, helped by record-high broadband sales in Estonia and Lithuania. -
Array.inArray() method in ActionScript2
For those of you who are still developing in Flash ActionScript2, an Array method similar to the PHP's
might come in handy. -
100% CLEAN award for obfuscatr 1
obfuscatr 1, the obfuscation tool introduced few days ago, has been awarded by Softpedia.
Firefox 3 going Macish
As Mac OS X Leopard arrives in 7 days time on 26th, Mozilla developers are not staying behind. New Firefox theme for Mac OS X is a work in progress.