
  • Microsoft pulling its trickery on European Commission

    European Commission's anti-monopoly policies seem to be there for Microsoft exclusively. Even so, Microsoft has complied and done a lot to meet the regulation for European market.
  • First impressions of Microsoft Silverlight (and how to get rid of it)

    Quite frankly, pretty much everyone familiar with Adobe Flash Platform would agree, that Microsoft's recent try to produce their own RIA platform is not up to scratch. A very short walk-through below should give an idea of what's the status of this venture.

  • E-readiness rankings 2009

    Economist Intelligence Unit has once again concluded with the E-readiness rankings of 2009 to measure the quality of a country’s ICT infrastructure and the ability of its consumers, businesses and governments to use ICT to their benefit.

  • Elisa moves to the lead in the run for 3.5G coverage

    As of this week Elisa has the largest 3.5G coverage in Estonia as a result of the 3.5G availability in one of the largest counties in the country.
  • Bait-and-switch approach to force Internet Explorer update

    Somewhat an interesting discussion took off on Twitter between me (@tekkie) and Jason Young of award-winning @virion_ca about the IE6 Update technique. While the goal of such a technique looks decent, it’s mainly of benefit to developers.

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